Bomby Music - Unlimited Music Player & Songs Album app for iPhone and iPad
Bomby Music has been called “the best music streamer” and “the most well-designed app" ever!
√ Key Features:
Music Streamer:
▸ Millions of free and legal songs available
▸ Modern and intuitive user interface
▸ Explore hottest music on iTunes Top 100 chart
▸ Explore trending music by genres
▸ Search for favorite songs or artists
▸ Powerful and advanced music streamer
Music Video player
-Repeat and shuffle
-Background playback (iPhone 3GS, iOS 4.0 or later)
-Fine scrubbing
-Sleep timer
-Create, edit, remove playlist
Top lists
-Browse by categories
√ Hold down your finger a song in the list songs to listen preview song
Please Note: All the content of this app are provided by your agreement, the file is yours and you can get it by our provider tool. In order to listen to the music you must connect to the internet.
Latest reviews of Bomby Music - Unlimited Music Player & Songs Album app for iPhone and iPad
This app lets you get music for free!
App reveiw
I really like this app because u can listen to any music you want and have three sources to find it from. The only thing is, is that u need wifi and i cant go to sound cloud when im obviously connected to sound cloud but over all this app is pretty good just need some work.
Bon app
Sympa 2048
Love it!
This comes just in the right time that I had just finished the original one. And this is a great re-invention of the original game! Good job!
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